Tapping Units (SUHNER)
Tapping units (GEM)
Tapping - methods and applications:
SUHNER offers the most complete tapping unit program of any supplier. Very small pitches up to 5 mm pitch an M 48 thread can be achieved with either leadscrew of CNC tapping technology.
5 types with special features:
GEM 6: built-in pneumatic rapid advance feed, with leadscrew system
GEM 8: the leadscrew assembly is lubricated in an oil bath, assembly by removing at the front of the unit
GEM 12: with programmable spindle speed and quill feed, equiwith control system, or with the control kit.
GEM 20: with interchangeable leadscrew system, in less than 5 minutes
GSX 30-90: are tapping attachments with an integrated mechanical reversing mechanism. They can be used together with MONOmaster or MULTImaster machining units.